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New Business Start Up: How Do I Get A Web Presence Fast?

Imagine you have just built a fantastic professional website with your site builder. It looks good and quite enticing to people who may chance upon it. Why did I say ‘chance upon it’? Well, there are zillions of websites in this world and may be thousands of them in your field of business which you have just started with. Time is important and you cannot afford to lose your business even for one day. You have to pick up and get going. How do you make sure that you have a web presence fast? Here are some of the best ways to ensure that your success is concrete, not based on chance.

Search engine optimization: Search engine optimization (SEO) is really important for anyone who wants people to visit his or her website. You may have the best of the flashy ads and animations on your web pages, but you will have people coming to your website only because of your listings and high rankings in search engines and directories. A person might enter a keyword in the search engine and then click on any of the first two pages of the search engine tools. So, if you want to have a powerful web presence, you have to get noticed and the only way this can be done is by ensuring that your pages get listed on the first couple of pages of the search engines.

There should be one phrase that should capture the soul of the webpage. This is also known as the target phrase. It will summarize on what the web page is about. Your target phrase should contain specific and relevant information. Search engine optimization could go awry for you if you try to put words and phrases which is not congruent with the content of the page. If you overuse words like ‘sex’ and ‘love’, just because they are quite popular; your page will not be optimized to the best level possible. So it is better to stick to the proper keywords.

Your target phrase should be the ones that people normally associate with. For example, if you check website tools which check on the popularity of the target phrase, you will see that the word ‘help’ is more frequently used compared to ‘advice’. So the content which you write in some of your web pages should be keyword rich, and they should be included in the title tags and Meta tags as well. In fact, a title tag for each of your web pages is the best way to optimize the search engine. This can be done by right-clicking anywhere on the web page editing program page and selecting “Page Properties”. You can type in a tag which consists of around 60 characters, inclusive of punctuation below the “Title.”

The title should contain a brief description of the page with a couple of keywords as well. Most of the web page editing software now has the feature by which you can add the Meta tags easily. You have to right-click on the webpage and you get a box where you can add the three Meta tags, namely “title”, “description” and “keywords.”

Affiliate Programs: This will ensure that you start making money on your website fast and easy. After having built the site with the help of the site builder and made the best use of SEO and keyword rich content, you can give a thought about affiliate programs. You add links to your site that will take the people to a page where they can buy the products or service of another company. It is all about making money by selling a product or selling which belongs to someone else without actually making an attempt to sell or market them. If the visitors make a purchase from that particular website, you earn a commission. Affiliate programs are free and though it sounds quite convincing to join a lot of affiliate programs, you can smartly choose the ones which sell products and service that matters to you. Give links to sites that provide stuff that is relevant to your website.

Position yourself correctly: You do not have to sell products and services, you have to share information. You have to make people buy what you are offering rather than stuffing your products and services down their throats. Your aim should be to create a hunger in their psyche to know more about you and click one more webpage of yours to know what else you have in store (no pun intended!). When you are selling them a site builder tool, educate them about the untapped areas of e-commerce and how they can save and earn a lot of money from e-commerce, how they can protect themselves from online frauds, and how they safeguard the private information on their computer. You are not only marketing your webpage effectively, but at the same time, you are making your prospects learn new things as you create another area of potential business.

Write an expert article: Keep it a target to write a thought provoking, informative and interesting article or two each week and submit it to the article directories. When they see your name and the link to your website, you will get fresh traffic and the flow of people checking your website. You become more familiar (read famous) and soon you will find your article and your matter sneaking in other pages, where publishers will be-publish your articles on their ezines and websites. Most importantly, your article should not look like you are selling something. Your article should be around 750-1200 pages with an interesting introduction.

Blog: Blog is also a fantastic information giving tool. You can subtly pass on information about your business through the blog. Again, here don’t make it obvious that you are here to sell something. Make your blog interesting with humor, personal experiences and also information relevant to your line of business. Try to post your views and thoughts as much as possible so that a lot of people, directories and search engines identify with your content easily.

The Customer Newsletter: Make it a point to personalize your relationship with your prospects and customer in a professional way. Most of the people who come across your mails in the inbox will have a tendency to delete them if they do not know you. They hate marketing gimmicks, so stay away from them. However, make sure that you attract their attention with a winning and curiosity seeking title on the newsletter that you send. In the letter, make sure that you give them what you do best meaning information including handy tips and advice. A bonus or a small gift will also forge a strong relationship with your clientele.

So, you see apart from making a good site with the help of a site builder, you should have the foresight to spread the word of your business through best practices and information sharing means. Knowledge and sharing what you know is truly the power and key to all riches!


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