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Ebooks: An Overlooked Goldmine?

Estimates now indicate that ebook sales have surpassed both the audiocassette and the audio CD in consumer preference. Ebooks are also ranked second only to traditional book publishing in current sales.

From an entrepreneurial standpoint, one of the greatest difficulties in looking at revenue producing ideas is to arrive at the party early enough to see the largest return on investment. The truth is ebooks may have been the best entrepreneurial choice in 2004, but as sales continue to climb ebooks are still an incredible investment tool.

Ebooks are one of the least expensive ways to publish and the end result is not reliant on a very fussy editor. You are able to retain an incredibly large portion of each sale; a percentage that far exceeds standard book royalties.

The ebooks being produced today do not conform to a single topic or style. They run the gamut from non-fiction to poetry, and children's to fiction.

While it is true that anyone CAN develop an ebook it is equally true that not every ebook is a best seller. Many individuals see ebooks as an opportunity for wealth development, but either don't spend enough time developing the ebook, they lack the skills to write or they have chose a topic that is either overdone or holds little interest in the market.

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Many non-writing business owners have worked with freelance writers to develop a product on their behalf. This is done on a write-for-hire basis. In essence an author will draft the ebook contents and the business owner will assign their name to the finished product having purchased all rights to the work from the author.
In this way the business owner can be reasonably assured they have a product the consumer is interested in purchasing and stands the best chance of not only returning the cost of development, but can go on to produce additional and long-term wealth for the owner of the work.
Some authors have seen as much as $6,000 monthly from the sale of popular ebook titles. When you consider that ebooks can be placed on a website and transactions can take place without your involvement it becomes easy to see this type of business opportunity as a great business opportunity with minimal maintenance.
Ebooks can easily be an added feature to an existing business. What's more, they can also be spun off in an affiliated agreement scenario where your title is available on other sites with a portion of the sale going to the affiliate and a portion to you as content owner.


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